
Wednesday, August 18, 2004, 9:09:02 AM, you wrote:
KB> I am extracting text from a text datatype field of a
KB> database.  The target text is marked (beginning and
KB> end) by html comments that have a known--but not
KB> uniform--format.  Unfortunately, the web-based
KB> interface used to maintain the data inserted hard line
KB> breaks in the text.

KB> I initially tried removing all NL and CR chars from
KB> the string, which has the unanticipated result of
KB> removing some spaces between words that had wrapped in
KB> the admin interface.

KB> Now, I need to remove all NL and CR that occur within
KB> a string starting with "<!-" and ending with "->".  I
KB> have no idea where to start, because the NL and CR
KB> could also occur in the strings that mark the start
KB> and end of the comments.

KB> I am very new to regex, but starting to get it.  If
KB> someone could just give me a push in the right
KB> direction.  Nothing I have tested in regex coach comes
KB> close to matching what I need.

KB> Kathleen

This is probably quicker using a callback function like this:

$string = "<!-- a\nlong\rtest\n\rstring -->";

echo nl2br(htmlentities($string));
echo '<br>';

function replace($str){
        return preg_replace('/\n\r|\n|\r/',' ',$str[0]);

$newstring = preg_replace_callback('/<!--(.*?)-->/s','replace',$string);

echo nl2br(htmlentities($newstring));


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