You can put the files that need to be downloaded in a directory somewhere
outside of the web server root, but in that case your PHP program will need
to read the file and print it to the browser, and it will also need printing
the HTTP headers:

Content-type: application/octet-stream
Content-disposition: attachment; file=$filename
Content-length: xxx
[blank line]

Or you can put the files somewhere on the web server tree, protect the
directory with .htaccess (username + password), and just put a simple link
to those files.
When someone will click that link, it will be asked for a username and
password in a popup window that the browser will open.

If you don't want to appear that window, you can set your server to redirect
the user to a php script, for a certain Status code that is generated when
authorization is required, and that PHP script can ask nice for a username
and password that can be used then by the script to allow access to that
file (but this way might be more complicated without real benefits).



----- Original Message -----
From: "Aaron Todd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2004 8:30 PM
Subject: [PHP] downloading files

> I posted a simular question before and never really got an answer.  The
> drifted off into some other valuable information, but I still have the
> question.
> I am trying to create a site with file downloads.  The files on the server
> that are to be downloaded need to be protected somehow.  I have already
> created a login page for the site so users must log in.  The download
> are in a directory protected by htaccess which it is my understanding that
> PHP can go underneath htaccess to get access to the files.  My problem is
> where do I put this directory?  I was already told to put it outside the
> root directory, but I really dont know where the best place is.

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