Here is what I having working so far:

php_value error_reporting 2 # Just warnings, which is what I want

php_flag log_errors 1 #this turns logging on and off in the syslog

php_flag display_errors 1 #this turns error display at client's browser on/off

php_value error_log errors.txt            #Doesn't work OR....

php_value error_log /home/jones/public_html/AutoSch/errors.txt #This doesn't work either.

Anyone know how to write the errors to a file? The documentation says it should work.

Jason Wong wrote:

On Tuesday 24 August 2004 23:37, Al wrote:

The php.ini is already set to log errors and it works; but, they are
appended to the system log.

Just for the heck of it I tried; but it doesn't work.

php_value error_reporting 2047

php_value log_errors TRUE

php_value error_log "./errors.txt" [and the full path string]

"... Don't use php_value to set boolean values. ..."

And you may have to specify an absolute path.

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