I need to restart squid from PHP, but my squi doesn't stop because a lot 
of stupid errors.

So, i need to kill it and then start it again.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] init.d]# ps aux | grep squid
root      9281  0.0  0.3  6124 1792 ?        S    16:04   0:00 squid -D
squid     9283  0.0  1.0  8392 5060 ?        S    16:04   0:00 (squid) -D
squid     9284  0.0  0.0  1360  264 ?        S    16:04   0:00 (unlinkd)
root      9288  0.0  0.1  3860  592 pts/0    S    16:10   0:00 grep squid
[EMAIL PROTECTED] init.d]# echo $$;

The pid i need to kill is the one from the line:

squid     9283  0.0  1.0  8392 5060 ?        S    16:04   0:00 (squid) -D

How can i get this pid so i can kill -9 it and then start squid again ?

Start here http://www.php.net/exec
To get the PID you may be able to place the output of ps -aux in an array, regex for 
what you want, then exec

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