Mário Gamito wrote:


I need to restart squid from PHP, but my squi doesn't stop because a lot of stupid errors.

So, i need to kill it and then start it again.

killing a process owned by another user is a tough ask. The squid docs say you shouldn't run it as root and it also advice against using nobody - the user that typically own the apache process. How to make use of sudo/suexec/cron to overcome these issues have been discussed often in the past and you will find it in the archives.

To answer your specific question on getting the PID. I would try looking in /var/run/squid.pid or executing `pidof squid`
instead of trying to parse the output of ps.

squid     9283  0.0  1.0  8392 5060 ?        S    16:04   0:00 (squid) -D

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