On Thu, 2004-08-26 at 15:01, Aaron Todd wrote:
> Thanks for the tip, it worked great, however everything I have been reading 
> says that md5 is only one way.  The way I have setup my app is the database 
> contains the encrypted version of what the user entered as their password. 
> Then on my login page there is an if statement that encrypts what the user 
> is entering as their password and then checking that against what is in the 
> database for them.  This is working great!...Thanks again.
> My registration page is where the password gets encrypted and then sent to 
> the database.  After the user registers and I accept them as a user they 
> recieve an email containing their username and password.  But the password 
> is encrypted.  Is there a way to decrypt the encrypted password in the 
> database?  Or am I going about this wrong?

Send the password before it gets encrypted and put into the database.

You can't decrypt an md5 encrypted password.


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