good to know


Jasper Howard :: Database Administration
"M. Sokolewicz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Jasper Howard wrote:
> > you can use md5() which will create an encrypted string
> that's not entirely true, all it will do is compute the md5-hash of that
> string. Which is *always* a 32-character hexadecimal number (though
> before PHP5.0.0 it was returned in a different way). The big difference
> between a hash and an encypted string is the fact that a hash does NOT
> store the string it was computed of. This means that there are more than
> 1 possible strings for the same hash. While an encrypted string *always*
> has only 1 single possible "result" when decrypted (with the right keys,
> etc. etc.).
> For storing passwords in a database you can easily use md5, although
> this means that you don't store the actual password (you store the
> HASH), and the user could, in theory, send a completely different string
> and still gain access to the account. This is not easy however. MD5 is
> very well known for the fact that a very small change in the initial
> string makes for a big change in the resulting hash. It's basically
> infeasible to actually (reverse-)compute a possible initial string which
> results in the same md5-hash. So basically for storing passwords, it's
> safe enough. Remember though that you're not storing the password
> itself! So you'll never be able to get the actual password to check
> against. You'll need to compute the md5-hash of the provided password
> and THEN check that against the stored hash.
> Back to encrypted strings. Encryption is very complex, and can *always*
> be reverse-engineered. Although it's (in most cases) infeasible to do,
> it is theoretically possible for all encrypted strings. Another thing to
> remember is that longer unencrypted strings also make longer encrypted
> strings. This is because the data inside *CAN* not be lost.
> So, a quick overview of both:
> Hashes: fixed-length, but not recoverable
> Encrypted: variable-length, but recoverable (with a key)
> You'll need to carefully choose between those two. Also please remember
> that it is always most efficient to keep a fixed-length string in a
> database than a variable-length one.
>   that cannot be
> > encrypted, or you can use something like base64_encode() which has the
> > inverse base64_decode,
> base64 is not an encryption. It is an en*coding*. This means that if
> someone knows it's 'base 64', that person will always be able to decode
> it, no matter what. Base64-encoding in particular was created to be able
> to (safely) send binary data trough non 8-bit-clean layers.
>   that way you have an encrypted string in the database
> > but if for example a user loses their password, instead of setting a new
> > one, you can retrieve the old one. This of course won't be as secure,
> > anyone that gains access to your db will not be looking at the real
> > and will have to know to decrypt it using base64_decode().
> >
> > hope that's informational,
> > -ApexEleven
> >

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