If you just need to put it in the database, you dont need a form to do
just open a connection to your db, and query it in. 

read about mysql functions in the php manual.. specifically
mysql_connect, mysql_select_db and mysql_query
, i beleive there is a functional example of all you need on the
introduction page for the mysql functions in the manual.


"M. Sokolewicz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Aidan wrote:
> > Please help, I'm tearing what remains of my hair out here.
> > I've got a MySQL database where I've defined one of the table fields as an
> > integer.
> > Using PSP I've passed a session variable and can echo it to the screen using
> > <?php echo intval($clin_id) ?>.  So the session variable exists and can be
> > echoed
> > I now want to pass this session variable to the database into the field I've
> > defined as an integer
> > 
> > I've set up a form to submit other variables to the backend database and
> > they all work apart from this field.
> > 
> > I'm using a hidden field to pass the variable and I am using
> > 
> > <input name="p_clin_id" type="hidden" id="p_clin_id"
> > value="intval('$clin_id')">
> that line doesn't make any sense to me... what are you doing there? 
> you're freely mixing PHP and HTML without denoting what is what.
> an example that WOULD work would be:
> echo '<input name="p_clin_id" type="hidden" id="p_clin_id" 
> value="'.intval($clin_id).'">';
> or maybe
> ?>
> <input name="p_clin_id" type="hidden" id="p_clin_id"
>   value="<?php echo intval($clin_id);?>">
> <?php
> So, mixing HTML and PHP without denoting what is what is the first 
> mistake. The second one is the actual function call:
> intval('$clin_id');
> Now, when you put something between SINGLE quotes, it is read LITERALLY, 
> meaning it *will not* substitute variables for their value. eg:
> echo '$clin_id';
> will output:
> $clin_id
> However,
> echo "$clin_id";
> will output the VALUE of $clin_id (eg. 12)
> So, I think that instead of
> intval('$clin_id') you actually meant intval("$clin_id"), or, cleaner, 
> intval($clin_id) (since intval isn't expecting a string anyway, and even 
> if it were, it would change it to one itself. No need to do extra work 
> for nothing.)
> The 3rd point about this all... if you get the value from the database, 
> and it's an integer there, then why are you converting it to an integer 
> AGAIN?? :| just using $clin_id instead of intval($clin_id) is surely 
> faster (seen as no extra functions need to be called).
> > 
> > What I don't understand is that if I can echo the variable what am I missing
> > in formatting a sessio variable to make it passable to the database.  It mus
> > be something basic and I've looked through several books (from where I got
> > the intval function) but obviously in the wrong place.
> > 
> > I would be grateful for any advice.
> -- 
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