On Thu, Aug 26, 2004 at 04:19:51PM +0100, Geoff Caplan wrote:
> Doug,

> I'm fairly new to this field, so I'm still feeling my way, but I guess
> my requirements are similar to anyone else building a fairly complex
> ecommerce application: fill and submit forms using the full range of
> HTML widgets, submit and check cookies, gets and posts, check changes
> to data (in Postgres), check for patterns in pages, organise groups of
> related tests, follow redirects etc etc. The requirement to run checks
> on the database suggests that a server-side solution would be the way
> to go.

SimpleTest provides all of this functionality with the exception of a
specific database testing API, although you can certainly use it for
this purpose.
> Obviously, a key issue is keeping the tests robust in the face of
> changes to the application. I need to be able to change a link label,
> for example, without breaking the test-suite.

Link assertions can be specified using the 'id' attribute.
> I am trying to avoid anything that requires a complex Java setup or
> Eclipse: I don't have the relevant skills. The best options I have
> found so far, in addition to SimpleTest, are:
> **Puffin** Pure Python framework, so easy to extend (I know a bit of
> Python). Looks very powerful, but not much current activity and
> documentation is minimal:
> http://www.puffinhome.org/what.htm
> **Canoo** Which you obviously know.
> http://webtest.canoo.com/webtest/manual/WebTestHome.html
> **TestCase**, which looks powerful - but requires that you model the
> whole site in UML, which is not the way I prefer to work:
> http://www5f.biglobe.ne.jp/~webtest/testcasetool/index.html
> Is there anything I have overlooked?

You might like to have a quick look at http://www.fitnesse.org/, but I
would think that SimpleTest meets most of your requirements.
> The problem I am facing is that it will take a few days to do a full
> evaluation of the options and I am pressed for time. Any advice that
> you could offer that would help accelerate the process would be most
> welcome...

Sorry, this might be a little late...


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