I have:
    PHP Version 5.0.1
    MySQL 5.0.1
    Apache 2.0.48
    Winows XP Pro SP2

MySQL is working fine as best as I can see; I have tried the various samples 
in the MySQL manual and I have executed the myTest sample provided with 
MySQL. They all work.

However I can't get mysql_connect to work; when I try:

    $conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "root");

I get:

    Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect.chm]: Can't connect to 
MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)

The host and user should be correct; I have not changed anything such as 
that after installation. The password should still be blank. However I have 
tried many, many other combinations but nothing that works.

Is 10061 an error code? I can't find it in the PHP documentation.

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