"Jason Wong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> So now are you fully convinced it's your firewall that's the root of your
> problem?

No, not really. At the moment I am assuming it is a bug in something 
somewhere. The versions of php and MySQL that I am using are not fully 
tested. Therefore it is entirely possible that the problem I had is not 
supposed to be a problem.

> 1) How are you connecting using mysql_connect()? Do you use IP addresses 
> or
> hostnames?
> 2) What are your exact connection parameters when connecting as an "admin
> user"?
> 3) What are your exact connection parameters when connecting as an "normal
> user"?

I am not sure how to determine these things, except to say that I am using 
MySQL as it was installed by the "Typical" installation option.

Oh, now I understand better. Sorry. The username "admin" confused me, but I 
should have known.

There is a slight chance I used a different host than "localhost". So to be 
absolutely sure, I will do the tests again when I make a fomal bug report, 
assuming that a bug report is needed. Other than that, I used the following 
for both my Administrator and my non-Administrator accounts:

$location = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "";
$database = "mysql";
$conn = mysql_connect($location, $username, $password);
if (!$conn) die ("<p>Could not connect to MySQL using $location, $username, 
print "<p>Connected to MySQL using $location, $username, $password</p>\n";
mysql_select_db($database, $conn) or die ("<p>Could not open 
print "<p>Database $database selected.</p>\n";

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