On Sun, 2004-09-19 at 14:49, John Nichel wrote:
> Check the headers of this email.  I'm using a Windows box right now, and 
> my cursor was automatically at the end when I clicked reply.  Again, 
> it's laziness if one doesn't want to configure their client to put the 
> cursor at the end, or to manually move the cursor.

This is such a ridiculous argument. I've never understood why you can't
just let people post how they prefer unmolested. I don't think I've ever
argued that one way is better than another, though I would "generally"
agree that bottom posting is better. However I think people shouldn't be
pounced on for choosing to top post. Top posting doesn't make you lazy,
it is a preference that many people choose to exert and for some reason
raises the ire of "some" of the regulars here. i think Greg Beaver put
things into succinct perspective in his recent response to this thread.

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