On Thu, 23 Sep 2004 22:39:06 +0100, Graham Cossey
> Brad: When you say "a hash of the query string" do you mean passing the
> variable part of the URL thru mhash to obtain a hash/key/digest or whatever
> you wish to call it? If so, do you recommend any particular hash, ie MD5,
> GOST or TIGER? Not knowing much about these things, I imagine passing the
> same text thru a given hash algorithm multiple times will always return the
> same result.

I tend to use md5, but the other hash functions ought to work too. I
don't know about GOST and TIGER, but I know php has support for SHA1
and another that I don't remember at the moment.

> So:
> Requested URL
> http://server/app/page1.php?cust=12345&t=3
> Variable part hashed
> page1.php?cust=12345&t=3 > hash > mdg4789gnvh095n
> If the following URL exists use it, otherwise do processing, get buffer and
> write to this file.
> http://server/app/static/mdg4789gnvh095n.html

Yep. I would check for the file (or whatever mechanism you use to
store the cache) instead of the URL. You could write a class or a few
functions that could do this check for you based on the hash.

> If PDF of page requested:
> Send the current URL (http://server/app/static/mdg4789gnvh095n.html) through
> pdf-o-matic or similar.

You might consider creating the pdf version at the same time you
create the html. I depends on how your app works. Can you request a
pdf before you reque

> Is that about right?

Yep. I think you've got it.

> Many thanks

No problem =)

- Brad

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