Hello all...

I finally have an upload script partly working but am not running into
this problem.

I have this code which executes when the user visits the image upload page:

 if (!file_exists("../images/property_$id")){
 mkdir("../images/property_$id", 0700);}

 $upload_dir = "../images/property_$id";

When the user executes the script, it returns and runs this code:

          $file_to_upload = $upload_dir."/".$_FILES['file']['name'][$i];
          move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'][$i],$file_to_upload); }

And I get these errors::

Warning: move_uploaded_file(): SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The
script whose uid is 1044 is not allowed to access
/images/property_128873 owned by uid 1002 in /imageupload.inc.php on
line 39

then a bunch of other related errors.  I have tried to using 0777
also.  How can I get around SAFE MODE as I can't easily change the ini
file as it is on my hosts server.


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