blackwater dev wrote:
so do this each time?

I need a routine that will dynamically create a folder, then use that
folder to upload images.  This problem doesn't exists just on one
directory but on all directories dynamically created.

I mean PHP ftp functions.


On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 21:48:05 +0200, Marek Kilimajer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

blackwater dev wrote:

Hello all...

I finally have an upload script partly working but am not running into
this problem.

I have this code which executes when the user visits the image upload page:

if (!file_exists("../images/property_$id")){
mkdir("../images/property_$id", 0700);}

$upload_dir = "../images/property_$id";

When the user executes the script, it returns and runs this code:

         $file_to_upload = $upload_dir."/".$_FILES['file']['name'][$i];
         move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'][$i],$file_to_upload); }

And I get these errors::

Warning: move_uploaded_file(): SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The
script whose uid is 1044 is not allowed to access
/images/property_128873 owned by uid 1002 in / on
line 39

then a bunch of other related errors.  I have tried to using 0777
also.  How can I get around SAFE MODE as I can't easily change the ini
file as it is on my hosts server.


Use ftp function to create the upload directory. Login as userid 1044, create the directory, change it's permission, and you are done

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