For anyone interested.  I found that the Zend Optimizer is the culprit,
disabling removes the output.

I'm currently working on removing the optimizer for my CGI version but
keeping it for my Apache install.  I didn't want to maintain two .ini files
but I guess I have to.

On 4/4/2001 4:56 PM this was written:

> Please forgive if this was posted before.
> I don't know what the line really is called but recently when I upgraded to
> PHP 4.... Um.. The latest and I used the exact same compile parameters as I
> did before. But now the first line of every script is displayed (the
> execution line)
> I.e. The file looks like this:
> #!/usr/local/php4/bin/php -q
> <?
> Code.....
> ?>
> And the first line is displayed to the screen when the script is ran. Why is
> that and does anyone know how to stop that?


Thomas Deliduka
IT Manager
New Eve Media
The Solution To Your Internet Angst

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