--- Roger Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have this short script (below) that does checking
> whether a userid has an associated jpegPhoto in an
> LDAP database. The script is working fine but gave a
> 'Notice' msg bcos I made error_reporting to report
> all errors.
> Notice: Undefined index: jpegphoto in test.php on
> line 34
> Question: How do I make the Notice go away without
> changing error reporting to error_reporting (E_ALL &
> ~E_NOTICE) ?
> Please advise.
> --
> roger
> <?
> require_once "config.inc";
> error_reporting (E_ALL);
> $ds = @connectBindServer(LDAP_RDN, LDAP_PASS);
> if ($ds) {
>     $what2return   =
> array("givenName","sn","jpegPhoto");

You have define "jpegPhoto" Note Caps P.

>     $searchFilter  = "([EMAIL PROTECTED])";
>     $sr            = ldap_search($ds, LDAP_BASEDN,
> $searchFilter,$what2return);
>     $resultEntries = ldap_get_entries($ds, $sr);
>     closeConn($ds);
>     if ($resultEntries["count"] == 0) {
>         print "user not found";
>         exit;
>     }
>     else {
>         $gn        = $resultEntries[0]["givenname"];
>         $sn        = $resultEntries[0]["sn"];
>         $photo     = $resultEntries[0]["jpegphoto"];

here p is small in jpegphoto.

Got it ...

zareef ahmed
>         if ($photo['count'] == 1)
>             print "photo available";
>         else
>             print "photo not available";
>     }
> }
> ?>
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Zareef Ahmed :: A PHP Developer in Delhi ( India ).
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