I dont know how to explain this but when you work with an ldap attribute, they are 
case sensitive. jpegPhoto was what the schema was written with.

However when you retrieve that into PHP, you accessed them with all lower case. So 
accessing userPassword attribute in ldap will become userpassword in PHP.

Just to satisfy your curiosity, I have changed that to your advise with running the 
script produces identical result.


Quoting zareef ahmed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> --- Roger Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have this short script (below) that does checking
> > whether a userid has an associated jpegPhoto in an
> > LDAP database. The script is working fine but gave a
> > 'Notice' msg bcos I made error_reporting to report
> > all errors.
> > 
> > Notice: Undefined index: jpegphoto in test.php on
> > line 34
> > 
> > Question: How do I make the Notice go away without
> > changing error reporting to error_reporting (E_ALL &
> > ~E_NOTICE) ?
> > 
> > Please advise.
> > 
> > --
> > roger
> > 
> > <?
> > require_once "config.inc";
> > error_reporting (E_ALL);
> > 
> > $ds = @connectBindServer(LDAP_RDN, LDAP_PASS);
> > if ($ds) {
> >     $what2return   =
> > array("givenName","sn","jpegPhoto");
> You have define "jpegPhoto" Note Caps P.
> >     $searchFilter  = "([EMAIL PROTECTED])";
> >     $sr            = ldap_search($ds, LDAP_BASEDN,
> > $searchFilter,$what2return);
> >     $resultEntries = ldap_get_entries($ds, $sr);
> >     closeConn($ds);
> > 
> >     if ($resultEntries["count"] == 0) {
> >         print "user not found";
> >         exit;
> >     }
> >     else {
> >         $gn        = $resultEntries[0]["givenname"];
> >         $sn        = $resultEntries[0]["sn"];
> >         $photo     = $resultEntries[0]["jpegphoto"];
> here p is small in jpegphoto.
> Got it ...
> zareef ahmed
> >         if ($photo['count'] == 1)
> >             print "photo available";
> >         else
> >             print "photo not available";
> >     }
> > }
> > 
> > ?>
> > 
> > 
> > 
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> > 
> > -- 
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> > 
> > 
> =====
> Zareef Ahmed :: A PHP Developer in Delhi ( India ).
> Homepage :: http://www.zasaifi.com/zareef_ahmed.php
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