
i have a prob/issue that i can't see.. i'm trying to geneate a page with
multiple lists so that the user has to select an item from all 3 lists in
order to access the next page...

the 1st select/list allows the user to select either one or more items. the
2nd/3rd select lists require the user to select only a single item from the

    list1          list2        list3      >submitBTN<

the user would select the items from all three lists, and hit the selectBTN,
to go to the next page...

the prob that i'm having is that if i simply select item(s) from the 1st
list, then the code allows the user to continue...in other words, the app
looks as though the user has selected an item from the 2nd/3rd even though
they haven't been selected... in examining the code, it appears that the
last item in the 2nd/3rd lists is being somehow read/inserted into the
items, and are somehow included in the querystring...

my code is:

      generate the state list
      <div style='position:absolute; top:320px; left:50px; width:400px;'>
      <form name='test' method='get' action='$foo.php'>
      <div style='position:relative; top:10px; left:10px;'>
      <select multiple size=10 name='state[]'>

      $state_query = "select * from stateTBL";
      $res = mysqli_query($link, $state_query);
      //$res = mysql_query($query);

      //go ahead and process/populate the drop down
      echo "<option value ='*'>All States</option>\n";
      while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($res, MYSQL_ASSOC))
         echo "<option value



      generate the year list
      <div style='position:absolute; top:10px; left:240px; width:100px;'>
      <select  multiple size=1 name= 'year'>

      $year_query = "select * from yearTBL";
      $res = mysqli_query($link, $year_query);
      //$res = mysql_query($query);

      //go ahead and process/populate the drop down
      while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($res, MYSQL_ASSOC))
         echo "<option value


      generate the terms list
      <div style='position:absolute; top:10px; left:325px; width:100px;'>
      <select name= 'term'>

      $term_query = "select * from termTBL";
      $res = mysqli_query($link, $term_query);
      //$res = mysql_query($query);

      //go ahead and process/populate the drop down
      while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($res, MYSQL_ASSOC))
         echo "<option value ='".$row['ID']."'>".$row['term']."</option>\n";


   $blah = $userdata['session_id'];

      <div style='position:relative; top:-150px; left:475px;'>
      <input type='submit' name='sub1' value='submit'>
      <input type ='hidden' name='sid' value='$blah'>
      <input type='hidden' name='display' value='state'>

in foo.php, i simply display the $_GET['state'], $_GET['year'],$_GET['term']
vars to see what they are...

if i make all the select vars for the query terms arrays, it works as it
should, in that if all three lists aren't selected, then the user can't
proceed. however, if i use the select <select name = 'foo'> for the 2nd/3rd
lists, then the logic screws up...

any idea why this is occuring....

is there a better way/example of using multiple drop down lists within a
single form.....

any thoughts/comments/pointers would be helpful.. i'm pretty sure that the
issue/prob is rather straight forward/simple, but i can't see it right



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