On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 17:23:14 -0700, bruce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i have a prob/issue that i can't see.. i'm trying to geneate a page with
> multiple lists so that the user has to select an item from all 3 lists in
> order to access the next page...
> the 1st select/list allows the user to select either one or more items. the
> 2nd/3rd select lists require the user to select only a single item from the
> lists.
> ie:
>    list1          list2        list3      >submitBTN<
> the user would select the items from all three lists, and hit the selectBTN,
> to go to the next page...
> the prob that i'm having is that if i simply select item(s) from the 1st
> list, then the code allows the user to continue...in other words, the app
> looks as though the user has selected an item from the 2nd/3rd even though
> they haven't been selected... in examining the code, it appears that the
> last item in the 2nd/3rd lists is being somehow read/inserted into the
> items, and are somehow included in the querystring...
> my code is:
>   /*
>      generate the state list
>   */
>   echo"
>      <div style='position:absolute; top:320px; left:50px; width:400px;'>
>      <form name='test' method='get' action='$foo.php'>

Why $foo here?  Maybe not enough context for me to understand the
reason, I dunno.

>      <div style='position:relative; top:10px; left:10px;'>
>      <select multiple size=10 name='state[]'>
>   ";
>      $state_query = "select * from stateTBL";
>      $res = mysqli_query($link, $state_query);
>      //$res = mysql_query($query);
>      //go ahead and process/populate the drop down
>      //menu
>      echo "<option value ='*'>All States</option>\n";
>      while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($res, MYSQL_ASSOC))
>      {
>         echo "<option value
> ='".$row['val']."'>".$row['name']."</option>\n";
>      }
>   echo"
>      </select>
>      </div>
>   ";
>   /*
>      generate the year list
>   */
>   echo"
>      <div style='position:absolute; top:10px; left:240px; width:100px;'>
>      <select  multiple size=1 name= 'year'>
>   ";

Did you mean year[] here?  Otherwise why multiple?

>      $year_query = "select * from yearTBL";
>      $res = mysqli_query($link, $year_query);
>      //$res = mysql_query($query);
>      //go ahead and process/populate the drop down
>      //menu
>      while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($res, MYSQL_ASSOC))
>      {
>         echo "<option value
> ='".$row['year']."'>".$row['year']."</option>\n";
>      }
>   echo"
>      </select>
>      </div>
>   ";
>   /*
>      generate the terms list
>   */
>   echo"
>      <div style='position:absolute; top:10px; left:325px; width:100px;'>
>      <select name= 'term'>
>   ";
>      $term_query = "select * from termTBL";
>      $res = mysqli_query($link, $term_query);
>      //$res = mysql_query($query);
>      //go ahead and process/populate the drop down
>      //menu
>      while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($res, MYSQL_ASSOC))
>      {
>         echo "<option value ='".$row['ID']."'>".$row['term']."</option>\n";
>      }
>   echo"
>      </select>
>      </div>
>   ";
>   $blah = $userdata['session_id'];
>   echo"
>      <div style='position:relative; top:-150px; left:475px;'>
>      <input type='submit' name='sub1' value='submit'>
>      </div>
>      <input type ='hidden' name='sid' value='$blah'>
>      <input type='hidden' name='display' value='state'>
>      </form>
>      </div>
>   ";
> in foo.php, i simply display the $_GET['state'], $_GET['year'],$_GET['term']
> vars to see what they are...
> if i make all the select vars for the query terms arrays, it works as it
> should, in that if all three lists aren't selected, then the user can't
> proceed. however, if i use the select <select name = 'foo'> for the 2nd/3rd
> lists, then the logic screws up...
> any idea why this is occuring....
> is there a better way/example of using multiple drop down lists within a
> single form.....

Possibly.  I'd recommend using print_r($_GET) to see your form
submissions.  To make sure your actually getting what you want to be

> any thoughts/comments/pointers would be helpful.. i'm pretty sure that the
> issue/prob is rather straight forward/simple, but i can't see it right
> now....

Not sure exactly what is broken, is that your entire script as posted?

Greg Donald
Zend Certified Engineer

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