I think I'm almost there :)
Only right now I'm getting an error message:

"Query failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax.
Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server
version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 3"

$where = array();
$Ind = "";
$Ind = $_POST['Ind'];
  if (count($Ind) > 1)
    $IndStr = implode("','", $Ind);
    $where[] = "VendorJobs.Industry IN($IndStr)";
    $where[] = "VendorJobs.Industry = {$Ind[0]}";
$sql = 'SELECT PostStart, JobTitle, Industry,
LocationState, VendorID
        FROM VendorJobs
        WHERE ' . implode( ' AND ', $where );

$result = mysql_query($sql) or die ("Query failed: "
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))

I can't find the problem.
Anyone see anything ?

Thank you.

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