On Saturday 13 November 2004 21:10, Stuart Felenstein wrote:

> Okay, took your advice, but it seems to be a sql error
> as the message says.

> > Query failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax.
> > Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server
> > version for the right syntax to use near
> > '','','Array)' at line 3

Yes, that was apparent from your previous post. So did you print out your 
query and examine it for any obvious mistakes? And if you couldn't spot any 
obvious mistakes then the least you could have done was to copy and paste the 
full query in your post so that we could see it in all its glory instead of 
the truncated query that was posted as part of the mysql error message. 
Please help us to help you.

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.biz
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