* Thus wrote Manuel Lemos:
> Hello,
> On 11/13/2004 04:12 AM, Curt Zirzow wrote:
> >>>Im using the php mail() function to try send an email to a user that has
> >>>just registered.
> >>>
> >>>mail($HTTP_POST_VARS['emailaddress1'], 'Matchmakers Website 
> >>>Registration' ,
> >>>'Welcome');
> >>>
> >>>But when I get the following error back.:
> >>>Warning: mail(): SMTP server response: 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for
> >>>
> >>>Can someone help me out, by telling me what it means or what Im doing 
> >>>wrong?
> >>
> >>(Thank you Jason for the introduction! :-)
> >>
> >>That means your SMTP server requires authentication to relay messages. 
> >>The mail function does not support SMTP authentication.
> >
> >
> >for the record.. and to not mislead several people.. 550 simply
> >means the message was not accepted. There are several other reasons
> >why this will happen. The text after the 550 usually signifies what
> >exactly the problem is.
> Yes, but 550 with the text in front of "5.7.1 Unable to relay for 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]" is  a common message presented by servers that only 
> relay with prior authentication. If you had enough real world experience 
> with SMTP servers you would know that.

Again.. a simple google search reveals the other issues that may be
involved.  Your tool's *may* solve the problem, but it isn't 100%

While there are several causes for this error, the most common one
is that there may be no recipient policy for the expected domain in
the Exchange 2000 organization or the Exchange 2003 organization.



Quoth the Raven, "Nevermore."

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