> I'm doing my development in Dreamweaver though the
> code is basic.  To get to the grid I'm passing over
> the userID  .  Then basic a select statement in the
> results grid with a while loop the returns all the
> records related to the userID.
> It's just odd - because in Dreamweaver I build the
> grid with one table row, place my echo fieldx in each
> cell, then create a "repeat region" around the row.
> The repeat region is the while loop.
> The behaviour though is different for whatever reason.
>   Using a link with GET (paramter in the URL) it
> distinguishes each primaryID correctly.  Yet with POST
> no. As Jason just posted, yes it has individual submit
> buttons, yet they solely return the last record.

Hi Stuart

Have you looked at the HTML generated by your PHP code?
Using view source you'll see what values each of your 3 forms contains and
therefore what will be submitted in the POST. My guess from one of your
previous posts is that all 3 forms contain the same value in the (hidden) ID
field. You were getting the value from a class but did not appear to be
passing any kind of index to the class to determine which value to return.


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