Donald Tyler wrote:
I am looking for a guide on compiling PHP 4. I am a complete newbie to compiling and have no idea where to start, so any links to guides and/or other useful info would be much appreciated.

PHP is a scripting language, no need to compile it.

If you're really new, 2 links from the PHP home page

A simple tutorial

PHP Documentation

If you mean compiling php itself (not a php script written in PHP),
then go read the PHP manual:

II. Installation and Configuration

My reason is that I need MySQL 4 support,

Just check the manual. MySQL functions can be used within PHP, with the mysql or mysqli extensions (see links below).

Under Linux, it comes in packages like mysql-server, php4, php4-mysql, etc
and you can simply install these packages.

LXX. MySQL Functions

"In PHP 5, MySQL is no longer enabled by default, nor is the MySQL library
 bundled with PHP. Read this FAQ
 for details on why."

LXXI. Improved MySQL Extension, PHP Manual

"The mysqli extension allows you to access the functionality provided by MySQL 4.1 
and above"

but I would like to get a general overview of compiling a program source in general.

On Unix/Linux like systems, it's something like

$ tar xzf soft-1.0.tar.gz
$ cd soft-1.0
$ ./configure
$ make
$ su -
  (to become root, if it's your box)
# make install


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