> I am undecided whether to upgrade to apache 2 (currently running 1.3.33)
> I've heard some bad stuff (some good maybe) about using apache 2 with php..
> does anyone have an opinions?

a somewhat interesting discussion on the subject was recently on
slashdot, i suggest reading at least the blog entries linked in the main
story blurb: http://slashdot.org/apache/04/12/21/1837209.shtml

the "bad stuff" you're referring to is the threading problem, which is
completely solved if you just use the "prefork" MPM in apache 2, which
AFAIK is the default on linux.  not sure about Win32.

as for a performance improvement... it isn't hard to setup apache 2 on
the same server as apache 1 listening on a different port, then do
benchmarks and see for yourself.


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