Richard Lynch wrote:
Ben Edwards (lists) wrote:

I know this is not strictly speaking a PHP question but it is to do with
a PHP app.

I have a form with a number of hidden values in it.  After the post
print_r( $_POST ) shows all the values except these (this is copied from
'Show Source' in the browser.

<input type=hidden name=keyField[mb_memberships][0] value=mb_e_id>
<input type=hidden name=keyValue[mb_memberships][0] value=100000>
<input type=hidden name=keyField[mb_memberships][1] value=mb_id>
<input type=hidden name=keyValue[mb_memberships][1] value=1>

Any idea why they wont post?

The *do* POST, but PHP only handles one level of array references in NAME=xxx

not true (he does mention that print_r() does not show these values, given that he has run print_r() on $_POST its fair to assume that he would have noticed if his var were only 'half there' so to speak),

here's a url format I use in a generic CMS thingy:


the only problem I have is that I can max out the number of bytes excepted in a GET request, I don't destiguish between POST/GET and it works just as well via a post form.

arbitrary $_POST dump (simple):
    [a] => 512
    [e] => Array
            [n] => compoundpart

    [PART_ID] =>

You can do something like: <?php while (list($keys, $value) = each($_POST['keyField'])){ $keys = explode('][', $keys); list($key1, $key2) = $keys; $realKeyField[$key1][$key2] = $value; } ?>

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