There is also the client-side META tag redirect, which has been deprecated
by W3C (although it is hard to imagine the browser makers not supporting
this for quite a while longer):

    echo("<HTML><HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV=\"refresh\"
/HEAD><BODY BGCOLOR=#ffffff>$message</BODY></HTML>");

As for the address bar contents not changing, I don't know what to say. I
haven't seen your problem. Are you actually referring to the Title Bar
instead of the address bar? The contents of the <TITLE> tag need to be
different for each page for the title bar to change.


> From everything I have read so far, the only way to redirect
> programmatically is via header().  Unfortunately, what I'm 
> seeing is that
> while the followup page is loaded, the location in the 
> address bar (of IE
> 5.5) is not updated.  Is this something specific to IE?  I 
> would like the
> address bar to have the correct address instead of the old page.
> Any suggestions?
> - Daniel

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