Jay Blanchard wrote:
...lots of really good stuff...

So, basically I saw 3 possible action items from this discussion...

1. phParrot development
2. Weekly CRON of NEWBIE GUIDE (once I get the e-mail portion figured
3. OT posts should contain a TIP or TRICK? If we did this we could
harvest them once in a while for dissemination to the group. How you
say? You could contain the tip in a tag, example...

[tip type="query error checking" author="Jay Blanchard"]
When issueing a query to the database I always find it healthy to do
error checking in this form
if(!($resultOfQuery = mysql_query($query, $databaseConnection))){
        echo "This gave me an error " . mysql_error() . "\n";
If an error is thrown the application exits immediately so that I can
correct and move on.

4. a website/subsite & related DB to store data for phParrot, tips, etc.

phparrot.net is up for grabs - I'm happy to register it (can't grace the list 
ace mathematical explainations :-) but I'm happy to shell out a few bucks as a 
of giving back a little) - and I'd just as happily transfer the domain into the 
of an 'official' php organisation if and when people think its required (at no 

or maybe someone else want to register it?

also nobody seems to dare speak up regarding a 'front man'?

As you can see, using some reasonable regex would get the tip out. Also, when phParrot is up and running a tip can be given with each reply if a databse of these tips was gathered. Someone then could gather all of the tips, publish a book and make us all famous.

I may have had too much caffeine this AM -- looks like my enthusiasm
level is set to 'HIGH'

thats a good thing, everyone feeds of the energy, its how balls start to roll :-)

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