4. a website/subsite & related DB to store data for phParrot, tips, etc.

phparrot.net is up for grabs - I'm happy to register it (can't grace the
list with
ace mathematical explainations :-) but I'm happy to shell out a few
bucks as a way
of giving back a little) - and I'd just as happily transfer the domain
into the hands
of an 'official' php organisation if and when people think its required
(at no charge).

or maybe someone else want to register it?

also nobody seems to dare speak up regarding a 'front man'?

I'll take the lead. And go ahead and register. Does anyone know, off
hand, if phpwebhosting.com will allow us to set up the server like we
would like it? If so, I'll set up an account and pay for the space...

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