HI all.

this might be slightly OT but I know that the list has quite a
knowledgable crowd =) So here is my situation:

I have a client who I have developed a site for in PHP it provides
various models for shares forecasts, the way it works is that people
register for free (with their credit card details-https) now if they
not satisfied after a month they must just unsubscribe. If they have
unsubscribed after the first month they become a customer and each
their credit card is charged the relevant amount depending on what
have subscribed for.

Now our the complication is as follows: I know that storing client's
credit card details online is a big NONO, so we would have to move the
credit  card details offline when they register. Im not sure how to go
about this. Whether to save the details in text files somewhere else
the server or save to text files not on the server but another

Can anyone recommend/advise the best way to do this, also what type of
encryption should I be using for the credit card info? 

thanks in advance.

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