I stand happily corrected :)

On 4/10/01 7:01 PM, "Stuart J. Browne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "Lindsay Adams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> You are not going to be able to use PHP to tell the client browser to do
> anything.
> you are going to have to embed either a java.applet, or javascript to do it.
> I don1t know a whole lot about either, so I don't know if they are even a
> possibility.
> On 4/10/01 2:29 PM, "Nando2" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello all!
>> I have a PHP4 script that produces a text file and I would like that when
> the
>> user access this script the text content of it was forced to be saved
> meaning
>> that when the user selects it he/she will have the save dialog form to
> save
>> the text file with the filename specified in the header function. So far I
>> have managed to create the text file dynamicaly but still I have to click
> the
>> browser's save button to save the file with the determined filename. I
> wanted
>> it to be forced.
>> Does anyone know how to do it ?
>> Here's the code :
>> <?php
>>   // Carlos Fernando Scheidecker Antunes : Test saving text files with PHP
>>   // this sets the content type as being plain text
>>   header("Content-Type : text/plain; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"");
>>   // this sets the file name
>>   header("Content-Disposition: filename=\"test.txt\"");
>>   // creates the dynamic content of the text file here
>>   print("TextFile test\r\n\");
>>   for ($i=1; $i < 100; $i++) {
>>       print("This is line number ".$i."\r\n");
>>   }
>> ?>
> try:
> header("Content-Type: unknown/unknown");
> ....
> browswer won't know what type of file it is, so will prompt to save.. should
> get the file-name right from the other.
> bkx

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