mario wrote:

please help me on the following issue.
please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] too.
(I asked for help on the php-db ml, but nobody replied)

I have hacked the following function:
function accents($text) {
   global $export;
   $search  = array ( 'à', 'è', 'ì', 'ò' , 'ù');
   $replace = array ( '\\`{a}', '\\`{e}', '\\`{i}', '\\`{o}', '\\`{u}');
   $export    = str_replace($search, $replace, $text);
   return $export;

It works fine, as long as I feed it with a string: accents('à') --> \`{a}

The issue is when I get 'à' from a mysql table. I.e., for some record of a mysql table Table, let à the value of the
field Field, and say
$result = mysql_fetch_array($answer, MYSQL_BOTH), where $answer= mysql_query(SELECT * FROM Table).

Now accents($result['Field']) returns à (instead of \`{a}). Why? I have no idea.

Try var_dump $text in accents() when you pass it $result['Field']

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