You need to use a frameset to do what you want.
the problem is the browser will only launch the Acrobat control if it 
receives the content type app/pdf, an html page uses the content type 

your links should point to another page that outputs something like the 
following based on input of the pdf file path and name
( HTML shamelessly stolen from :-)
<TITLE><?php echo $your_title ?></TITLE>
<FRAMESET rows="100%,*" frameborder="0"framespacing="0" border="0" 
<FRAME SRC="<?php echo $your_pdf_file_path ?>" Name="pdf" scrolling="auto">
<FRAME SRC="empty.htm" Name="invisible" scrolling="no">

if you are using track_vars and don't have the auto globalizing of form 
elements, use
$HTTP_GET_VARS[ 'your_title']
$HTTP_GET_VARS[ 'your_pdf_file_path ']
$HTTP_POST_VARS[ 'your_title']
$HTTP_POST_VARS[ 'your_pdf_file_path ']

depending on your form method


At 03:20 PM 4/12/2001, you wrote:
>Just to elaborate: I want my user to be able to click on a hyperlink that
>points to my PDF file, and have a new window pop up, displaying the contents
>of the PDF file in the browser window (without prompting if they should save
>the file) as well as set the HTML <TITLE> tag to the name of the report.
>My passthru() function works fine, when I send a header() of PDF first, and
>then dump the raw PDF out.  But, I cannot set any HTML properties with tags
>(like <TITLE>); it doesn't show the PDF in PDF format then, it shows it all
>raw encoded.
>Hope that helps clarifying my wants and needs :-)
>""Jason Mowat"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>9b4lso$2gb$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:9b4lso$2gb$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > Greetings,
> >
> > I am having a small problem displaying PDF files to my users via passthru.
> > This is the situation: I have a bunch of PDF files on my server directory.
> > I show the user a listing of the PDF files they can view, and allow them
> > hyperlink click on the PDF they wish to browse.  When the user clicks the
> > link, I execute a header() and then my passthru on my PDF file.  The code
> > essentially:
> > header("Content-type: application/pdf");
> > passthru($pdf_file);
> >
> > Now, my problem is that the title of the HTML window that pops up is of
> > URL path.  I want to set the title to something meaningful (like the name
> > the PDF file the user is looking at).  But, if I try to print a
> > File</TITLE>" after the header, my PDF document does not show up (it shows
> > the raw encoding of the PDF document).
> >
> > Does anyone have any suggestions to allow me to show a title on a
> > header/passthru page?  Is there a better way to do this?
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Jason
> >
> >
> >
> > --
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