I copied the php_pdf.dll file from the apache/cgi-bin/php/.. directory to 
the windows/winnt/system32 directory (it was just a hunch) and behold, it 
worked brilliantly!!


Now I just have to figure out how to:
1- get mysql to work
2- get virtual domains to worl

>hello, i'm not an expert on apache/php for windows, so i won't go on the
>list so as not to pollute it with possibly wrogn answers.  the following are
>generic troubleshooting things, not specific to your question.
>caveat emptor :).
>On Fri, 13 Apr 2001, you wrote:
> > "Unable to load dynamic library 'php_pdf.dll' - The specified module could
> > "The dynamic link library isqlt09a.dll could not be found in the 
> specified path
> > 
> > "Unable to load dynamic library
> > 'F:\PROGRA~1\APACHE~1\Apache\cgi-bin\PHP\EXTENSIONS/php_ifx.dll' - The
> > specified module could not be found."
>    first check to see if you actually have those DLLs in your 
> computer.  use Start | Find Files
>    or whatever you want to use.
>    if they're not there, you'll need to find them somewhere on the 
> web.  or, if you don't need them,
>    find an apache/php installer that doesn't require them.  sorry, can't 
> help you there.  i work in
>    Unix, i always build my own apache and php with all modules they 
> need.  the only time i
>    installed on Windows, it worked like a charm since the module i was 
> installing from already
>    had everything it needed.
>    if they're there already, they're just not in your path.  do whatever 
> needs to be done on
>    your computer to put them in the path (there are different ways to 
> handle this if you're on
>    Win95/98, WinNT, Win2000 and probably WinME.  i'm only familiar with 
> the Win95/98
>    (edit autoexec.bat), WinNT (i forget exactly, but i can find it if 
> i've got it in front of me).  no idea
>    where you do that in Win2000 and ME though.
> >Another weird thing is that at the top of any PHP page I
> > put there and run, it prijnts to the screen this: "X-Powered-By: PHP/4.0.4
> > Content-type: text/html "
>what web server are you using?  are you trying to do this in apache?  if 
>yes, you need to edit
>httpd.conf to tell it about php.  that's easy, just search for the string 
>"php" in httpd.conf and
>uncomment the relevant lines.  it's pretty obvious (one line is 
>Load-Module, the other is
>if no, then you'll need to find a way to tell the web server about 
>PHP.  either that, or you can
>(somehow) configure PHP to execute with -q, i.e., in "quiet" mode.  that 
>stops it from printing
>those two lines.  but then you'll have to make sure on your own that the 
>Content-type is set
>correctly in your web browser.
>feel free to quote any of this on the list if you think it might help 
>someone else help you.
>good luck.
>Gerald Timothy Quimpo  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://members.xoom.com/TigerQuimpo
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