On Mon, Apr 16, 2001 at 01:23:46AM -0500, Plutarck wrote:
> First, go to zend.com and check out their tutorial and article sections.
> Then check out their links section, which just so happens to have links to
> 17 books, 10 of which are non-english.

Why don't you visit php.net/books.php? There you can find much more books.

> First of course, read the PHP manual. I basically learned everything I
> needed to from those sites. The rest comes from just hacking out code.

Many thanks! I'havent noticed that some people read this manual.
> PHP changed alot during the books writing process, so it's really rather
> impossible to get a totally updated book. For instance if you started
> writing a book now on PHP v4.0.5, PHP would be nearing version 5 before it
> ever hit a bookshelf.

I don't see your point here, PHP version 4 and 5 would be compatible. If
you are interested into the latest features, you have to read journals
instead of books. 


LinuxTag, Stuttgart, Germany: July 5-8 2001: http://www.linuxtag.de/
All known books about PHP and related books: http://php.net/books.php 
Concert Band of the University of Hohenheim: http://www.concert-band.de/
First and second bestselling book in German: http://www.php-buch.de/

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