Woh, that book looks excellant.

I think I may order it, actually.

It is absolutely _hell_ to find a good advanced programming or internet
technology book.

If the book doesn't expect you to be a moron (how many morons are interested
in the implementation of TCP/IP, anyway?), it expects you to be a complete
wizard (which basically means the book is a 400 page reference manual).

It's hard to find a book on computers that is for an
advanced-but-not-perfect user.


I'll give me review to the list once I get it :)

Should be working on something...
...but forgot what it was.

"Ulf Wendel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Christian Reiniger schrieb:
> >
> > On Monday 16 April 2001 08:23, you wrote:
> > > Personally, I never even bought a PHP book. I learned from the web
> > > only...hehe.
> >
> > Same here.
> > Well, actually I *did* buy a book - "Core PHP programming". I started
> > reading it, saw that it basically only covers (a) introductory
> > programming in general (what is a 'while' loop?) and (b) a PHP3 function
> > reference (copied from the online manual), and I immediately went back
> > the web resources.
> >
> > That doesn't mean you shouldn't buy any book - the cookbook for example
> > certainly is very useful both as starter (giving examples) and later on
> > (giving more complex examples :).
> Hmm, although Sterlings book is cool, german readers can save the money
> an check the german FAQ on http://www.koehntopp.de/php. It covers most
> of Sterlings book except the PHP core hacking. The advanced book I like
> best is "Web application development with PHP 4.0" written by
> Till&Tobel. Don't expect a PHP only book, the authors did very well not
> to copy the online reference or the usual tutorials. Till&Tobel wrote a
> book for those that have a solid basic programming knowledge but lack
> some more advanced skills like API design or certain web development
> strategies (CVS, staging server, development process, ...).
> Ulf
> --
> Neu: PEAR Menu 3 - Navigationsstrukturen dynamisch dargestellt
> http://www.ulf-wendel.de/projekte/menu/tutorial.php |
> http://www.phpdoc.de
> --
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