On 5/7/05, M. Sokolewicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Rory Browne wrote:
> > First of all as Rasmus said, this 'compression' is barely(if at all)
> > going to make a difference, after your pages have been compressed wth
> > gzip,
> >
> > There are two reasons for this:
> >  1 compression techniques detect repeated strings(such as spaces or
> > newlines), and replaces them with one instance of that string, and a
> > record of how many times it appears.
> >  2 Because Rasmus said so, and considering his long-time involvement
> > with the php project(as founder), he probably knows what he'e talking
> > about.
> >
> > What might be more useful is stripping out comments, If you don't use
> > javascript it is simply a case of replacing all <!-- anything --> with
> > a blank space. If you do though it's more complicated since it is
> > considered good practice to place js inside <!-- .. //--> blocks,
> excuse me? since when is this considered /good/ practice???
> It's one of those things that are concidered /bad/ practice according to
>   w3...
>   and
> > you have the additional talk of replacing out // and /* .. */
> > comments.
> >
> > but if you really want to do it then:
> >
> > function ob_whitespace_removal($str){
> > // would need to dbl_check regex/modifiers
> > return ob_gzhandler(preg_replace("/\s+/m", "  ", $str));
> > }
> >
> > should work, Although for purists/modularity output buffer stacking
> > may be a cleaner technique
> >
> > Re: Internet Explorer Problems:
> > if you check the ob_start or ob_gzhandler pages on the php
> > manual(online version) then you'll find a user-submitted comment
> > saying that MSIE doesn't cache compressed stuff. This doesn't matter
> > for a dynamic website. Try googling, but don't say ob_gzhandler, since
> > this is (allegedly) a problem with IE/gzip compatability, and not the
> > ob_gzhandler implemention(ie search for gzip and not ob_gzhandler).
> >
> >
> > On 5/7/05, Kirsten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>>preg_replace('/s+/', ' ', $html);
> >>>
> >>>but watch out, this js code will work:
> >>>
> >>>var v
> >>>alert(v)
> >>>
> >>>this one will not:
> >>>
> >>>var v alert(v)
> >>
> >>Sure....
> >>but now: how do I access the htm output of the current executing script
> >>before it is send to the user?
> >>
> >>Thanks again
> >>
> >>
> >>>>1) Is there any function to do this (I'm using PHP 4.2) ? Or maybe some
> >>
> >>user
> >>
> >>>>has already done it?
> >>>>2) Is it true that ob_start("ob_gzhandler") can cause problems on IE
> >>
> >>5.5+?
> >>
> >>>don't know. but you can detect these browsers and turn compression off
> >>
> >>--
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> >
> >>
> --
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Dotan Cohen

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