Ryan A wrote:
Hey guys (and girl...as we have one on the list...(that i know of)),

Can anybody recommend a real bare bones forum that i can modify
a tutorial for creating a forum
URLs/Classes etc to help me create a simple forum?

I checked on google but I couldnt find any tutorials or code, went to
hot-scripts and saw a   _c r a p l o a d_ of forums (for free and otherwise)

rather overwhelming isn't it.

but I have a client who insists I build him a forum which must fall
to his specifications and work of our currently registered users database.

do you have a list of specifications? i.e. becareful you don't start chasing
a moving target! sounds like taking a solid existing forum tool and hacking
it so that it uses your own user DB is the way to go - purely from a
feasability perspective.

I'm sorry I can't really recommend one, I have experiencing doing a total
hack job on phpbb which was successful but I don't really like the codebase
so I wouldn't recommend it exactly!

Worse scenario, I will dl a few of the forums from hotscrpts and go through
each of their code...but I would like to avoid that if anyone can give me a
better option.

2nd question
I will need a kind of "client editor" for when people write their messages
into the forum,
eg: make this bold and that italics and that centered and that with an image
and so on
I had actually seen a (dhtml, I think) form some time back where you could
preview your
message at the side as you made changes...somewhat like what google has for
ad-cents accounts where you can change the colors of your ad and immediatly
it shows the
changes at the side in a box.
I remember sometime back someone posting some WYSIWYG kind of editors which
on the clients machine with just a textbox and the buttons to go bold,
italics,centered etc
unfortunatly looking into the archives i cant find it.

try this: http://www.fckeditor.net/
its a job to integrate but works really well and the price is good :-)

I have also had success with http://www.editize.com when i had the need
to provide a WYSIWYG editor that had to run on a wide range of browsers
and OSes - downside is it costs money, its also Java - and as many of
you know running Java applets in a browser is not always fun or fast :-/


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