"Rasmus Lerdorf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 1. If $id is a number I believe PHP will choke b/c I don't believe
> > can be used as variable names.
> Well, generally that is true.  If you try to assign a value directly to a
> variable that is a number such as:
>  $1 = "Hello World";
> Then it won't work.  However, due to a somewhat quirky implementation you
> can get arund this by doing:
>  $a=1;
>  $$a = "Hello World";

Sure enough, it works.  Rasmus, can we expect this behavior to exist in
future releases of PHP?  I prefer to give variables a meaningful name, but
since I spend a fair amount of time working with other people's code and
clients who sometimes insist on things that aren't preferable, it would be
nice to know.

Steve Werby
President, Befriend Internet Services LLC

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