On Fri, Apr 20, 2001 at 08:58:24AM -0600, Johnson, Kirk wrote:

> I have also seen this problem with one of my sites, but only *occasionally*.
> I have no clue as to what the problem is. Anyone else have any ideas?

Maybe someone remembers my post about my session-problem. Pretty much the same
type. session gets registered just fine, but the var's are not being serialized()
and put into the session-file. I never really relized that this only happens if I
work at home, which is with a netscape 4.75 (running on OpenBSD). It just happens
about 20% of the time. But *if* it happens, it will happen until I closed the browser
and reopened it...


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  |http://www.hazardous.org/ | whois -h whois.ripe.de FKR-RIPE  |
  |all your base are belong to us  |  shame on me  | fkr@IRCnet | 

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