If you don't have plenty of ram on your machine, forget about running
Forte. Java applications that use swing look nice but they use a lot of
systems resources. It's not a bug, per se, but whenever your systems
runs out of physical memory and start writing stuff on the virtual
memory, that's what you get. I have 224MB on my machine and Forte is
still slow. 

Seung-woo Nam

Plutarck wrote:
> I've been toying around with Java to possibly interface with PHP, but I have
> a question about it.
> Is it just me, or is the GUI in most standalone java applications remarkably
> (and annoyingly) buggy?
> I downloaded Forte for Java by Sun, and after the 45 second loading time I
> noticed that if you click around the menus or move your cursor too fast, a
> menu will become temporarily "burned" into the frame of the page. Same if
> you hover on one button till a message comes up, then switch over to another
> button, a portion of the original message will still be shown.
> Same goes for Limewire and other 100% java apps I've tried.
> I was just wondering if it's just my machine, or because I use the windows98
> VM, or if everyone experiences the same thing.
> I'm guessing the horrendous starting load time is native to java, but at
> least it runs ok once you get the thing to start.
> --
> Plutarck
> Should be working on something...
> ...but forgot what it was.

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