New to php so please bear with me.  I'm trying to parse through a
field that has some information in it, the information is stored with
other information and is delimited in a certain pattern so I figure
using reg ex I can get the information I want out of the text.

So here is an example.

Silver Small Corp;;;;;X^%%%%%\n#####\n
Gold Medium Corp;;;;;RE^%%%%%\n#####\n
Platinum Large Corp;;;;;YRE^%%%%%\n#####\n

Reall all I need is the information on Silver Small Corp, etc and the
X all the rest is gibberish.  Is Reg Ex the best way to do this or
would it be some other way.

You couuld use explode

$myField = "Silver Small Corp;;;;;X^%%%%%\n#####\n";

$foo = explode(";;;;;", $myField);

echo $foo[0];

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