AFAIK, there are no "official" forums for PHP. Considering the fact that PHP is a web development tool, such distaste for message boards is ironic at the least. So why exactly there aren't any forums on

One of the fallacies in your argument is that the lack of an official forum on implies "such distaste for message boards". I don't have a big screen TV but I have anything but distaste for them!

Also, you should realize that your question could be rephrased as "Why hasn't someone else done all this extra work (creating and managing a forum) because I would prefer it?" The obvious answer, which someone else has already suggested, is that maybe others (or those in charge of don't feel the need.

In any case, if you are sincerely interested in either a support Web forum or a legitimate answer to your question, you may have better luck if your inquiry were more "I would appreciate it if..." or "has an official forum been considered?" and less "this system that you've been using for years sucks and this is why I'm right".

All that being said, I think everyone should send me $5. I've monitored this list long enough to predict the most probable replies...


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