
I have 30 links stored in a table(mysql) now. I wanna show them accorging to
the traffic they send. But i don't want to list all of them in just 1 page
because i will be adding 300 links soon. (I don't want my visitors to wait 3
minutes to load the links)How should i do it? I wanna do it like this
shows only links from 0-15
shows links from 15-30

here is my code.

$connection = mysql_connect("localhost","","");
if ($connection==false)
echo mysql_errno().":".mysql_error().""; 
$query = "SELECT * FROM refer ORDER BY hits desc "; 
$result = mysql_db_query ("celebzone", $query); 

$rows = mysql_num_rows($result); 
$num_of_page = floor($rows/15)+1; 


for ($i = $list; $i < $list+15; $i++) 

if ($i <= $rows) 
@$id = mysql_result($result, $i, "id"); // check this later 
@$title = mysql_result($result, $i, "title"); // check this later 
echo "<a href=\"http://www.celebritieszones.com/jump.php?id=$id\">$title</a><br>\n"; 

echo "<!-- Cute Celebrities Links -->"; 
$i = 288; // this forces it to quit the loop 

echo "<br>"; 

$check = floor($rows/$num_of_page); // this finds how many pages it should generate 
if ( $check>0 ) 

if (($i-1)==288) 
echo "<!-- Cute Celebrities Links !-->"; 
$num_of_page = $i; 
echo "<a 
href=\"http://www.celebritieszones.com/links/index.php?list=$num_of_page\">Next Link 

It's not good though and it's kinda stupid. :( When it loads the last page of my 
links, it will show this 
"Warning: Unable to jump to row 48 on MySQL result index 2 in 
/home/sites/site3/web/links/index.php on line 22 

Warning: Unable to jump to row 48 on MySQL result index 2 in 
/home/sites/site3/web/links/index.php on line 23" 

You see the @? I am using it to supress the error messasges cuz i don't know how to 
fix this error. Please help. :) 
Thank You. 

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