You'll want to use the LIMIT option in SQL. So on the end of your query add:

"LIMIT 0,10" to get the first ten results.

The first number is the "offset", and the last is the max amount to
retrieve. To get links 20 through 40 you'd use:

"LIMIT 19, 39"

The offset is refering to an array, so offset 0 is actually the first link.

Should be working on something...
...but forgot what it was.

""McShen"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
9btbqt$t79$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:9btbqt$t79$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> hi
> I have 30 links stored in a table(mysql) now. I wanna show them accorging
> the traffic they send. But i don't want to list all of them in just 1 page
> because i will be adding 300 links soon. (I don't want my visitors to wait
> minutes to load the links)How should i do it? I wanna do it like this
> shows only links from 0-15
> and
> shows links from 15-30
> etc.
> here is my code.
> ------
> <?php
> $connection = mysql_connect("localhost","","");
> if ($connection==false)
> {
> echo mysql_errno().":".mysql_error()."";
> exit;
> }
> $query = "SELECT * FROM refer ORDER BY hits desc ";
> $result = mysql_db_query ("celebzone", $query);
> $rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
> $num_of_page = floor($rows/15)+1;
> $i=$list;
> for ($i = $list; $i < $list+15; $i++)
> {
> if ($i <= $rows)
> {
> @$id = mysql_result($result, $i, "id"); // check this later
> @$title = mysql_result($result, $i, "title"); // check this later
> echo "<a
> }
> else
> {
> echo "<!-- Cute Celebrities Links -->";
> $i = 288; // this forces it to quit the loop
> }
> }
> echo "<br>";
> $check = floor($rows/$num_of_page); // this finds how many pages it should
> if ( $check>0 )
> {
> if (($i-1)==288)
> {
> echo "<!-- Cute Celebrities Links !-->";
> }
> else
> {
> $num_of_page = $i;
> echo "<a
ext Link Page</a>";
> }
> }
> ?>
> -------
> It's not good though and it's kinda stupid. :( When it loads the last page
of my links, it will show this
> "Warning: Unable to jump to row 48 on MySQL result index 2 in
/home/sites/site3/web/links/index.php on line 22
> Warning: Unable to jump to row 48 on MySQL result index 2 in
/home/sites/site3/web/links/index.php on line 23"
> You see the @? I am using it to supress the error messasges cuz i don't
know how to fix this error. Please help. :)
> Thank You.
> --
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