On Thu, November 3, 2005 8:16 am, Richard Heyes wrote:
> Marcus Bointon wrote:
>> The PEAR rfc822 class is pretty good, but it should be noted it's
>> designed for parsing entire to, cc, bcc fields which may contain
>> multiple addresses, and it's not quite as simple as asking it 'is
>> this
>> address ok'.
> News to me...
> if (!PEAR::isError(Mail_RFC822::parseAddressList('[EMAIL PROTECTED]')))
> {
>      // Valid...
> }

This one would accept:

> It even has a method specifically for "normal" email addresses of the
> if (Mail_RFC822::isValidInetAddress('[EMAIL PROTECTED]')) {
>      // Valid...
> }

But this one, for real, for sure, tells me that the single email
address is precisly in compliance with RFC822?

Jeez, now all I gotta do is figure out how the heck to get this function.

Hopefully without being forced to swallow all of PEAR in one gulp,
which was my last experience trying to use a PEAR class...

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