On 11/15/05, Greg Donald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 15 Nov 2005, Jim Moseby wrote:
> >> for file in *.php; do
> >> cp $file $file.tmp
> >> sed -e "s/<?$/<?php/g" $file.tmp >$file
> >> rm $file.tmp
> >> done
> >
> > I maintain: "Better to save the grief and do it right to start with, no?"
> Maybe at some point I too will be lucky enough to only work on code that
> I authored.
> for file in *.php; do
> cp $file $file.tmp
> php -r 'echo preg_replace("/<\?php=\s*/i","<?php echo
> ",preg_replace("/<\?(?!php)/i","<?php",file_get_contents($argv[1])));'
> $file.tmp >$file
> rm $file.tmp
> done

$stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE baz<?");



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