On Thu, February 16, 2006 9:38 am, tedd wrote:
> Gustavo said:
>>This great programming language is *much more* than a Hypertext
>> Pre-Processor!
> It is?

I've seen a fair number of PHP applications that had nothing to do
with Hypertext...

GD, libPDF, Ming, GTK...

The list goes on.

I was hoping for some inspiration from the ancient poll on php.net
from the last time we went through this.  Some of the suggestions were
very... creative. :-)

Personally, I don't really care what the acronym's words say.  I know
it's "not just for text anymore"

Actually, I think most of the non-text Modules were there when we did
the last acronym change.

And certainly there were many heavy-duty applications whose
"Hypertext" component was not the primary focus of PHP.

So, fwiw, I'm voting -1 on the re-invention of PHP as an acronym.

I could be swayed by a REALLY good acronym that expressed what I
really thought PHP was all about...

But I defy anybody to fit that all into 3 words that come out to PHP.

We'd have to change PHP to:  RCLTDHIPFGAAOCS

which of course stands for:
Really Cool Language That Does HTML, Images, PDFs, Flash, GTK,
Applications, And Other Cool Stuff.


Damn.  I missed all the cool sockets/soap/streams stuff.  Sorry.

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