On Monday 27 March 2006 12:31 pm, tedd wrote:
> At 1:19 PM -0600 3/27/06, Jay Blanchard wrote:
> >[snip]
> >Where do I type in "which php"?
> >[/snip]
> >
> >At the command line on the host.
> Aarrrggggg -- no disrespect meant.
> I'm totally and absolutely clueless and frustrated. It must be my age
> because I haven't seen a command line since my Apple][ days -- let
> alone one while doing web work.
> I'm sitting in front of my computer accessing my remote web site via
> ftp (GoLive) writing code and trying to set up a cron job using
> cpanel to run that code.
> Now, I have no idea of where I should type in "which php"  -- I've
> tried putting it in my cpanel cron jobs "command to run" box, but
> that doesn't do anything.
> Does anyone have any reference material of where a "command line of
> the host" is?
> Thanks.
> tedd
> --
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>----- http://sperling.com

Hey Tedd,

Do you have ssh access to your remote server from your local machine? If you 
do, then that would be where you'd run the command "which php".

On Linux/Mac OS X, you can ssh via a terminal. On Windows, a program like 
PuTTY will do the trick.

Link for PuTTY download (just in case):

Syntax for ssh:
ssh <user account>@<hostname/IP>

Once you have an ssh session open to your remote server, running "which php" 
will return the remote path for php.

Hope that helps.
Joe Henry

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